Daily Archives: March 22, 2015

What Is Prophecy?-Part 1

Revelation 1:3. “The words of this prophecy.”

This phrase establishes that the Book of Revelation is a prophecy. What is true Biblical Prophecy? A true prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ according to Revelation 19:10.

In order to understand the Book as a prophecy, we must know the characteristics of true prophecy. Some of the relevant questions are:

  • How is prophecy related to prediction?
  • What is the purpose of prophecy?
  • How was a true prophet recognized?
  • Does fulfilled Biblical prophecy still have relevance to our times?

Is Prophecy Merely Prediction?

Many commentators understand Biblical prophecy as merely prediction of the future. Therefore, they mistakenly assume that the entire Book of Revelation was a “prediction of the future” when it is actually a testimony of Jesus that, as the Word of God, has eternal relevance.

Since Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, there is an element of prediction in the testimony of Jesus Christ, but the primary purpose and meaning of ‘prophecy’ is not prediction, but rather”testimony.” The predictive element of Biblical prophecy was not to foretell events just for the sake of demonstrating a supernatural power, as a fortune-teller would do, but rather to demonstrate that the word of God is eternally relevant and Jesus Christ is Lord.

Prediction is a forecast of future events based upon observations of trends, movement of various forces and judgment of how these forces will interact with each other. When the observer has good access to all of the relevant information and is well trained to interpret these facts, his predictions may be highly reliable and accurate, as for example, a good weatherman. Good predictions are based upon knowledge as well as understanding of how to interpret that knowledge.

Biblical Prophecy Is Based Upon Spiritual Insight

Biblical prophecy, however, is based upon spiritual wisdom which requires an understanding of the basic spiritual laws that pertain. While weather may be predicted based upon knowledge of the physical forces that are interacting, human events can only be predicted based upon the spiritual forces at work. Discernment of these spiritual forces comes only through divine revelation.

The Biblical events that were foretold were significant in demonstrating God’s eternal power and purposes. For example, when the prophets foretold the birth of Christ, the prophecies were based upon the Word of God, even as far back as to Eve in the garden promising a deliverer. The event foretold was eternally significant.

Prophecy Is Foretelling

Although Biblical prophecy is not merely foretelling, there can be no doubt that prophecy, in the Biblical sense, does include the element of foretelling.  Unbelieving critics say that Biblical history was written only after the event; however, the Bible text makes it clear that true prophets did foretell.

In the beginning God Himself foretold future events. He told Adam, “In the day that ye eat thereof, ye shall surely die.” He foretold to Cain that if he did well, he should be acceptable, but if not then the beast (sin) lying at his door should devour him. He foretold to Noah that the flood would come. He foretold to Abraham that Israel would go down into Egypt for four hundred years and that afterward He would give them the land of Canaan. He foretold also to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that they should possess the land of Israel. He foretold to Moses that He would deliver the people from Egyptian bondage. Indeed, the ability to foretell events is one thing that distinguishes the true God from idols according to Isaiah 41:21-29.

Sinai A New Era In Prophecy

However, with Moses at Sinai, a new era began in prophecy. Here God spoke to the whole congregation of Israel. The event inspired such fear that the people requested of Moses that he receive the oracles of God and transmit them indirectly to them rather than endure again the awesome direct presence and voice of God: “Let not God speak with us lest we die.” From that time forward to the time of Christ, God spoke to the people through prophets, (Exodus 19:9; 20:19; 24:2; 33:11; 34:3, 29-35).

Prophecy’s Purpose:  Declaring The Word of God

But prophecy is not merely foretelling. Moses, as a prophet, foretold future events. He foretold that they should inherit the Promised Land but that they should in time go after other gods and be taken into captivity, (Deuteronomy 27-30 and 32). Every prophet from that time forward foretold events which were yet future in his time. But the aspect of foretelling is a mere adjunct of the essence of prophecy. Biblical prophecy is primarily forth-telling – declaring or speaking forth the Word of God.

Its purpose is to be God’s voice, and to make God’s will and nature known to the congregation. The prophet foretells on the basis of cause and effect: God has spoken, therefore it must be. God’s Word is the creative cause and is certain to produce an effect. God cannot speak in vain. Foretelling is merely a means of forth-telling.

Soothsayers, diviners, astrologers and other idolaters saw man as fated by the gods and their future as pre-determined, but true prophecy is based upon the creative force of God’s Word, His authority, infallibility, holiness and power to perform. False prophets attempt to know the future in order to work out their own salvation; God’s people wish to know His will in order to conform to His eternal plan.