Carpenters understand that, to build a house, they must observe the principles of plumb, level and square or the house will not stand.
In colloquial conversation, we use these words to express exactness, totality, perfection and equality. We might say: “This is plumb good,” or “That’s plumb disgusting.”
The word ‘level’ is used to mean “fair,” or “honest,” or “true.” ‘Level’ is used also to mean “equality.” Like: “Is that on the level?” Or: “OK, level with me now.” Or: “We must have a ‘level’ playing field.”
The word ‘square’ is also often used to indicate fairness, or equality. Like: “That is fair and square.” Or: “Give me a square deal.”
Good carpenters often develop an eye for what is plumb, level and square. However, the natural eye cannot be trusted to determine the perfection required for a building; they must have tools, like the level, the plumb line and the square. Modern technology has developed tools using laser light for a more nearly perfect building.
What if the carpenter decides to use his own judgment about what is plumb, level and square? Isn’t his judgment as good as any? What is the basis for deciding these values? Actually, ‘plumb’ means exactly perpendicular to the earth; ‘level’ means what is exactly horizontal to the earth; and ‘square’ means what is exactly at “right” angles. These values were determined at creation, by the Creator. They are non-negotiable. We ignore them at our own peril.
What if we decide that we can choose our own judgment as to what is morally true, fair, square, plumb, or level? We will wind up with a life, a home, a community, and a nation, that will not stand for long, although it may look good to the natural eye for a short while. But the great Creator has not left us without the tools we need to build a permanent structure. These tools are found in His Word, the Bible. These moral tools have proven themselves from the very beginning of creation. We ignore them at our own peril.
God’s word is Light, more precise and exact than laser light. Without this Light we are like a blind carpenter trying to build a house. With these God-given tools, we can build a life that will endure for eternity. Only in Christ do all things ‘consist,’ that is, “hold together.” Christ is the infinite, absolute, and ultimate Light that is available to “whosoever will.” God gave us His Son, Light, the Word. In Him, and through Him, we have what we need to build a Life.