08. Time Line of Prophecy

Time Line of Prophecy* (Dates are approximate)


[Column 1]


Before the Captivity


 Bible Books:

I, II Samuel

I, II Kings

I, II Chronicles

The Writing Prophets, below.



Writing from the beginning of the Kingship to the destruction under Nebuchadnezzar.


Joel                 830 to ? B.C.

Amos               830 to ? B.C.

Obadiah ?

*Isaiah            740 to 700 B.C.

*Micah           722 to 700 B.C.

Nahum            Mid 7th Century

Habakkuk      Mid 7th Century

*Hosea           753 to 722 B.C.

Zephaniah       640 to 630 B.C.

*Jeremiah       626 to 586 B.C.


*Prophesied of Return to the Land after the captivity.      


  [Column 2]


  Babylonian Captivity


Bible Books:




 First Wave of Captives, 605 B.C.


Second Wave of Captives: Fall of Jerusalem, 586 B.C.



*Daniel 605-538 B.C.


*Ezekiel 593-571 B.C.


 [Column 3] 


Return After the Captivity


Bible Books:





Ezra wrote about the return of the captives under Zerubbabel in 538 B.C. Zerubbabel rebuilt the Temple and dedicated it in 516 B.C., 70 years after its destruction.


Ezra returned in 458 B.C. along with more of the captives.


Nehemiah returned in 445 B.C.


Esther was written in reign of Ahasuerus (Xerxes), 486-465 B.C.



Haggai            520 B.C.

Zechariah        520-510 B.C.

Malachi          431-425 B.C.


[Column 4]

Inter-Testament Period – 400 B.C. to Christ.


(Sometimes called the years of silence.)


Bible Books:


No Bible books from this period.


Daniel’s prophecies concerning the Kingdoms came to pass during this period, vindicating his prophetic calling.


The “Fourth Kingdom,” Rome, began in 65 B.C.



Birth of Christ



Extant Writings from this period:


The Maccabee Histories

Apocryphal Writings

Enoch (200 B.C.-100 A.D)



[Column 5]

New Testament Period to 70 A.D.


                                               Birth of Christ



Life and Ministry of Christ on earth: → 30 A.D.


Bible Books:






Church Established, Gospel preached to the whole Roman world: 30 A.D. to 70 A.D.


New Covenant in Christ’s Blood;

New Israel of God;

New Jerusalem


Bible Books:


The Epistles


Destruction of the Old Harlot City, Jerusalem, 70 A.D.

End of the Old Covenant nation, people and city.


New Jerusalem descends from Heaven; God dwells with His people as in the Garden of Eden.


Book:Revelation of Jesus Christ.


Extant Historical Writing: Josephus, a Jew and eye witness of the destruction of Jerusalem, and other Roman Historians.


* Time Line from: The New Chronological Bible King James Version, Published by E.E. Gaddy & Associates, Nashville, TN 1980

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